
Sales success through the power of Anthroware's Win-Loss Analysis


Salesloft is one of the top sales engagement platforms available today. Their Modern Revenue Workspace stands apart because they continue build, iterate, and improve by listening to their customers and staying ahead of the market. Salesloft, like many scaling SaaS companies, needed a deeper understanding of why they were winning or losing deals. These insights are hard to uncover internally, as customers are generally more candid with third party firms like Anthroware.


Anthroware performed a win-loss study to understand why Salesloft won or lost deals against competitors, and to garner actionable insights for sales, product, and marketing teams.


Anthroware’s win-loss team of consultants and researchers kicked off the project with a series of in-depth interviews with Salesloft stakeholders and executives to understand relevant strategic objectives. These initial insights provided a focus for our study and uncovered potential gaps and opportunities in Salesloft’s process. But the best insights were yet to come.

We combined the one-on-one win-loss interviews with targeted surveys gleaning qualitative and quantitative data from top executives and decision-makers. The objective—was to determine which behaviors and decisions were steering Salesloft’s future of software as a service.

Quarterly Updates

Every quarter, Anthroware reset with Salesloft stakeholders to update learning objectives and stay abreast of the ever-changing market. Anthroware’s quarterly report readouts were widely attended by C-suite and valued for their succinctness and critical thinking.


These days, customers’ needs can change faster than a product does, so current, relevant information is imperative to sales, marketing, and product teams to remain competitive.

Anthroware’s Strategic Win-Loss program goes deep by focusing on the following:

  • Quarterly reevaluation of learning objectives and priorities with stakeholders allows us to be surgical and agile with our approach while continuing to increase the size of the data set.
  • Work with your team to target deals for our one-on-one interviews that correlate with your learning objectives for 20-30 interviews per quarter.
  • Anthroware’s interviewers and researchers come from a product background and understand the impact curiosity and expertise have on the depth of the insights gained.
  • Surveying closed deals to gather qualitative data, look for patterns, and develop learning objectives and focus for the study.
  • Provide easy-to-interpret, actionable recommendations alongside visualized data.
  • Provide every department with relevant analysis from the captured data.

This innovative program gave Salesloft immediate actionable feedback alongside impactful future improvements. The result generated increased sales opportunities, as well as provided a foundational dataset for Salesloft’s ongoing thought leadership initiatives.

"Anthroware’s Win-Loss delivered insights faster and far more in-depth than our internal team could. The combination of quantitative data alongside their analysis of qualitative feedback gave us everything we needed to stay on top of the market. During their readouts, our executives were engaged because Anthroware’s analysis spurred such interesting ideas to carry forward into strategy.”

Derek Grant
SVP of Market Strategy at Salesloft