
Are you aware of the changes you need to make to attract and retain your customers?

Some part of your organization is underperforming, and you have to find a way to improve it.

We ask the tough questions to uncover the real challenges you face and drive organizational change.

Anthroware won't just tell you what you already know; we work with top leadership to provide the insight to make impactful decisions.

Customer Research Diagram
research SERVICE:

Win-Loss Programs

At Anthroware, we are not just interested in providing information about why your organization is winning or losing business - we are committed to making recommendations for improvement based on our analysis. Our Win-Loss program goes beyond just presenting data to asking hard questions that challenge assumptions and help identify blind spots.

We are passionate about driving organizational change and helping top leadership achieve their business goals. Our recommendations are tailored to your unique needs and provide actionable insights to optimize your sales and marketing strategies and prioritize product development.

As disruptors in the Win-Loss industry, we bring a fresh perspective to the table and challenge traditional ways of thinking. We are not afraid to push boundaries and challenge the status quo to drive real change for our clients.

Our dedication to providing insightful recommendations and driving organizational change is what sets us apart in the industry. Let us help you achieve your business goals and gain a competitive edge in your market.


  • Key Initiative Discovery
  • Expert Win-Loss Interviewers
  • Dynamic Surveying
  • Targeted Insight Reporting
Win-Loss Diagram
We can win together

Customer Retention Program

Anthroware's Customer Retention program helps you understand why and how your customers are changing, and how you need to evolve alongside them. We prioritize customer satisfaction and understand the paths to cross-sell and up-sell, ensuring that we help you retain your current customers and increase their lifetime value.

By reducing customer churn, your organization can enjoy a more stable revenue stream while lowering the cost of customer acquisition. Our program helps you strengthen long-term customer relationships and increase your bottom line by identifying and addressing pain points that may be causing customer churn.

Our team of experts works closely with you to develop a tailored retention strategy that aligns with your business goals and unique customer base. By partnering with us, you can achieve a more stable revenue stream and build a loyal customer base that keeps coming back.

> We achieve this through:

  • Strategic Objective Discovery
  • Expert Interviewers
  • Custom Program KPI Reporting
  • Departmental Readouts
  • Change Agent Workshops
Customer Retention Diagram
Stop the churn today